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Extension which allows you to register factories that will create new objects based on data from different existing objects essentially mapping between them.

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Design Considerations

Primarily this extension was developed to statisfy the dynamic creation of controls that have dependencies utilizing Dependency Injection (DI) with an eye towards constructor injection; however, there were a few additional constraints in mind (mostly due to a pretty strict policy regarding the MVVM pattern):

I realize that under the hood - the MappingFactory is actually implementing the Service Locator pattern (vs. true DI) which may be considered by some as an anti-pattern (Mark Seemann - Service Locator is an Anti-Pattern); however, this extension abstracts out the Service Locator piece down to its most basic logic. This means first and foremost that it should allow you to plug-in a better solution if one is available. Also, it maintains a clear separation of concerns within the code (important to anyone following the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).

Please feel free to comment openly. I welcome any feedback! You can also comment on the StackOverflow post where this is discussed or send me a